Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream

Thursday 29 March 2012

Why you have to go to Bologna

So I went on a little quest to make my l luck last week…
All the way to Italy, to the Children’s Book Fair in Bologna, right into the dragons den.
Before I say anything else, guys, you REALLY have to go!

Make time, save up and take a leap and jump in(to the real world)
This is a long way from dreaming, these are actual publishers who look at actual work and could actually give you a job (in time)! :o)

God, so much to see and to learn!

First of all this is a place for business, publishers are trading rights to already published books, so don’t be disappointed if not everyone has time to look at your work! But still, many of them DO look at illustrators portfolios and having someone look at your work is the first step to getting where you want to be!
Don’t be afraid to get rejected, don’t be disappointed, it’s a place to learn and be inspired and amazed of what it possible! Don’t hide and wait till you are ready, I certainly was not ready this time but I will be (a little more) ready next year!

And the books, oh the books!
So many! So many you will get dizzy, its brilliant! It’s amazing to see how different children’s books can be from country to country. Call me naive but I maintain there is room for us all!

I’ve spent the whole duration of the fair wandering publishers stalls, picking up catalogues, leafing through brilliant books, taking a deep breath and opening my portfolio, browsing, chatting.
I have learned a ton! What’s out there, who wants what and also about the little space in-between mainstream books, the space reserved for unusual talents and books with a difference.


  1. Did you show your portfolio around?

    Now I have a new goal!

  2. Hi Jessica, I did indeed :o)
    Talk about was pretty daunting at first. I got both good and bad (that is to say indifferent) reactions. Its a business after all so they need to see if and where you would fit into their program. I can only recommend it! You'll learn an absolute ton and its really pushing you to do the best you can :o)

  3. I can't imagine indifferent reactions to your work, but you're right, it's about what fits between both illustrator and publisher! Good job for taking the plunge!

  4. sure I might see you there next year! :o)
