Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream

Sunday 11 March 2012

The Foxes mother

The Foxes mother is an example of a pattern in my art. Throughout my work I’ve come back again and again to women nursing animals, to birds feeding humans. Hans my hedgehog, mice nesting in artfully piled up hair. This is a strong thread in fairy tales. Transformation, blurred lines between the human world, nature and the Other world. Women with a foxes foot in place of a human one. Toads, that are really fairy queens out to test you. You never know if what you see is what you get.
It must have started with Hans (the hedgehog) and his mother. Tori Amos has probably not helped either nor has Jim Henson’s adaptation of ‘Hans, my hedgehog’. My obsession has never left me.


  1. Gorgeous. I love the Hans so much (wish I had a print of it). I realized I also love images of people with animals...though I love seeing them sleeping in a pile. Like a woman napping on a bear or pile of foxes. Similar, comforting, weird.

  2. yes, I really can't say why I love these images so much. it just seems right, and yes, there is something very comforting and kind of 'homely' about it

    this drawing here has a looong way to go and my Hans is also not 100% finished...but I tell you what, once it is you will be the first to get a print!:)
    I've just got most of my work scanned (finally) and hopefully be able to figure out how to set up shop in etsy....

  3. This is a bit opposite of something like Romulus and Remus...suckled by a wolf.
