Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream

Tuesday 27 March 2012

The Seven Ravens

Seven is a magic number.

Seven dwarfs living beyond seven mountains. Seven ravens....
Numbers are important. There is some strange kind of magic in them.

Mostly things some in three. Three daughters (the youngest being the most beautiful), three brothers (the youngest either being the fool or the most modest and overlooked), three riddles the hero has to solve. Three quests…
Sometimes, like in Russian fairy tales we come across the ninth son of an ninth son (and so on…) and here we have seven brothers enchanted into seven ravens.

Being an only child the idea of having seven brothers you never knew about and only find out by chance, like the heroine in this tale, fascinated me utterly.

Seven enchanted brothers you have to save in a quest you have to “set out into the world” for.
The whole “setting out into the world” part sounded so magical and intriguing!

So many fairy tale heroes and heroines set out into the world to make their luck. The wold being vast an mystical, unchartered lands beyond your village…
This is the latest project that is struggling to get out onto paper and nudging me to get on with it…and I can’t wait to get to it. But first, alas, other things need to be finished. I-s dotted, T’s crossed, envelopes sent off. A lot still to be done before I can sit down between crows on a field and start sketching...

I kind of went on a quest into the world to make my luck last week.
I went to the Childrens book fair in Bologna but thats another story and more of that will follow in the next few days....

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