Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream

Thursday 26 May 2011

One Month One Illustration Final Piece II

It has been ages of fiddling around so here it is. And here is where I put the illustration aside to start the next one!
Moving on...

Friday 20 May 2011

Thursday 19 May 2011

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Monday 16 May 2011

Sunday 15 May 2011

Chocolate Week - Sunday

While I am busy trying to figure out how to finish the current illustration I'll leave you with a weeks worth of little chocolate illustrations.
I will post the final stage of One Illustration One Month soon!

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Frustration and Inspiration

Sometimes it feels like pushing that huge stone up the very same mountain again and again. And it never comes out like it was in your mind.

The trick must be not to dwell on it and to move on constantly. Next, next, next…just do and don’t judge too much. Next drawing, next scene, next tale.

In between sessions on the current work it seems to be a good idea to do something completely different, just for fun and step back. I don’t mean walking off do go shopping or lazing around, no, more like having another project but in a very different technique and for a different purpose.

Somehow it makes things stay fresh! Less worrying if this works or that. More doing!

To get away from my fiddling around with minute details I started collages. So much fun! Sources are everywhere, and colours are suddenly easy to come by, no frowning necessary :o)


Thursday 28 April 2011

Illustration Friday: Bicyle

The first colour pencil piece I ever did...

Monday 4 April 2011

One Month One Illustration - Day 20

ehem...I was on holidays...that's my excuse and I am sticking with it! Not really 12 days but still...still have 10 days to finish!

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Sunday 6 March 2011

One Illustration One Month - Finished piece!!!

I have done it!
First colour illustration!

Or at least I have reached the "know when to stop"-point. Knowing myself, I will have to finish this hair and that tiny dot whenever I take out the illustration again...but I know this is the point to move on to the next piece! Can't wait! There will be a lot more blue in the next spread!
Stay tuned

Thursday 24 February 2011

Consume VS Create

You can either consume or create. 

So true, so true…

Damn…I love consuming! Books are like candy to me. Browsing through favourite book shops and coming out with a new stacks of books must be one of the greatest pleasures of all!
I practically eat them…reading books in your PJ in one un-brushed weekend sitting, only interrupted by the occasional snack...sigh*

Or reading holidays…wandering from coffee shop to coffee shop to park benches to hotel  lounges to fluffy hotel beds, reading all the while (this is how I read all Harry Potter Books, saving them for the summer holidays)

There are so many ways of consuming…not only books but movies, comics, theatre, museums, food, tv, games…etc etc Whatever you do most of it is consuming someone else’s work/ideas.
Consuming is so fast and easy and lovely – But isn’t it amazing how long it takes to create?!

All the gathering, the doing and most of all the finishing!
I don’t get it. So unfair! But it’s good to keep in mind when you’re waiting for someone – a favourite writer or musician – to finish something new. It takes soooooooo long and is devoured in a matter of minutes/hours or days at the most.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Wednesday 9 February 2011

One Illustration One Month - Day 7

I feel like I have to point out that I have finished the foot! And added structure to the fur, since someone was moaning there was no difference between day 4 and 5, snarl! The title of this blog is no accident LOL

Thursday 3 February 2011

One Illustration One Month - Day 1

Day 1

which I spend mostly digging out my supplies and sharpening pencils. Nevertheless, I made a start!

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Illustrators illustrate

Yes, it came as a shock to me too!

I first realized it when reading Laini Taylors blog…and she mentioned the day when it finally hit her that”writer’s write”.
That to be a writer she would actually have to sit down and start writing, seriously.
Not just doodle a bit when the dishes have been done, you’ve taken a nap, are not hungry, there’s nothing on TV and the muse is kissing you (dare I say a rare concurrence of events).

With that in mind and with others voices I’ve heard, telling me that it takes 3 – 5 years of seriously working, every day, to see an improvement in your skills I hereby launch * taadaaaaaa *: the 1 colour illustration in 1 month project!

The most scary thing for me still is to have to do an illustration twice – shriiieeek!!! – this obviously stems from having limited time (i.e. having a day job) and the time consuming way of working I love (lots of details etc).

I had to trash my last attempt of working in colour, sniff sniff, but it really was terrible! Colour is waaaay less forgiving than black and white. So here I go again!

I will take a picture of my current illustration every day and finish it in 30 days! Ha!
That should leave me with a finished picture book dummy AND a nice portfolio of work to take to the Bologna Children’s Book fair in 2012.
And not to forget, a new habit of working EVERY day!

Monday 10 January 2011

Visioning 2011

I meant to post this at the beginning of January but with moving to a new place and settling in I got a bit delayed…
Here are my intentions for 2011, inspired by the wonderful Jamie Ridler!
They are little collages of what is important to me this year and what I want to focus on.

It would be fun to take pictures of throughout the year and then do a post at year end with the vision cards and actual happenings beside them. * make mental note *