Yes, it came as a shock to me too!
I first realized it when reading Laini Taylors blog…and she mentioned the day when it finally hit her that”writer’s write”.
That to be a writer she would actually have to sit down and start writing, seriously.
Not just doodle a bit when the dishes have been done, you’ve taken a nap, are not hungry, there’s nothing on TV and the muse is kissing you (dare I say a rare concurrence of events).
With that in mind and with others voices I’ve heard, telling me that it takes 3 – 5 years of seriously working, every day, to see an improvement in your skills I hereby launch * taadaaaaaa *: the 1 colour illustration in 1 month project!
The most scary thing for me still is to have to do an illustration twice – shriiieeek!!! – this obviously stems from having limited time (i.e. having a day job) and the time consuming way of working I love (lots of details etc).
I had to trash my last attempt of working in colour, sniff sniff, but it really was terrible! Colour is waaaay less forgiving than black and white. So here I go again!
I will take a picture of my current illustration every day and finish it in 30 days! Ha!
That should leave me with a finished picture book dummy AND a nice portfolio of work to take to the Bologna Children’s Book fair in 2012.
And not to forget, a new habit of working EVERY day!
A basketful of treasure at Hibernation Time
7 years ago